Where do you draw your circle?

Here's a poem & a pen


Where do you draw your circle?

Is it your Self?
Or your spouse?

Your kids?
Or your house?

Your town?
Or your country? 

Your religion?
Or your race? 

Does it end at your friends?
Are they the only ones you’re willing to embrace? 

Who are you looking out for?
Who deserves your love?
Who gets to be the recipient of your giving?

Is it only those who love you?
Who see you?
Who give you grace? 

Or do they have to worship you, praise you, & call you, “Your Grace”?

Where do you draw your circle?

Is it your firm?
Your industry?
Your team?
Your city? 

Where does your giving become exclusive?
Where does your love become zero sum?
Where does your circle end? 

Where do you draw your circle?


or to participate.